10 Tips to Keep Skin Healthy This Winter
Is there any time of year harsher on your skin than winter? We think not, which is why we founded ASEA. Redox signaling potential is vital to softer, more youthful skin all year round. Still, there are plenty of things you can do this season to improve your appearance despite the cold, chapping weather.
In this article, Team ASEA reviews the importance of good skincare and health maintenance relating to your skin and body’s redox potential. Some tips may be obvious — others might surprise you.
1. Moisturizing is Key
Applying moisturizer from head to toe is essential to keep your skin adequately hydrated. While most of us use a face moisturizer daily, consider upping your application to twice a day. Make sure no portion of your body is neglected or overlooked, especially your hands.
Cold, whipping winds can leave your skin chapped, but slathering on moisturizer can reverse the adverse effects.
2. Don’t Forget the Sunscreen
Even though it’s winter, you must remember to put on sunscreen daily. The sun still shines in the winter and can cause as much damage to your skin as it does in the summer. Avoid dry, sunburned skin, and stay protected.
3. Talk to a Dermatologist
Especially if you seem to struggle with bad skin all winter, no matter what you do, it’s a good idea to make an appointment to see your dermatologist and ask their advice.
Taking the time to get a specialized consultation means you’ll have a winter regimen created just for your skin.
4. Exfoliate Regularly
As your skin dries out in the winter, the dead skin cells must be removed regularly. Considering the harsh conditions, use a gentle exfoliating scrub to avoid further irritating your skin.
One of the most important jobs for which your cells are responsible is self-exfoliation. Exfoliate at least a few times a week to remove old, dull skin and leave your skin looking lovely, just like when you use our products. Improving your redox potential with ASEA redox water and RENU Advanced is one solution that only becomes more effective with extra time and manual care.
5. Honey Can Help
If you don’t have a go-to exfoliator, and even if you do, consider making your own out of sugar and honey.
Honey is known to reduce inflammation, while sugar has shown its ability to help with circulation in the skin. Both are beneficial, especially when it’s cold out.
6. Redox Signaling Skincare
With recent scientific discoveries and research surrounding redox signaling molecules, you can now keep your skin healthy during the winter weather and all year long. ASEA, a company specializing in cellular renewal, has created skincare products that work at the cellular level.
These gentle formulas work well for all skin types. They help moisturize and revitalize your skin when it needs it the most, offering cutting-edge anti-aging properties by renewing cellular health. These products will help keep you looking not only glowing but younger.
7. Drink Lots of Water and Eat Healthy
Never underestimate the power of a healthy lifestyle in helping you maintain beautiful skin. Keeping yourself hydrated allows your skin to remain adequately moisturized, making it less likely to dry out.
8. Use Hand Sanitizer More
If you’re a person who washes their hands almost constantly throughout the day, you know winter weather and handwashing result in extra dry, cracking skin.
Use moisturizing hand sanitizer more often to keep your hands clean, but avoid leaving them too dry.
9. Shorten Showers
While taking long, hot showers or baths in the dead of winter may sound like the best idea at the time, the drying effects they have on your skin can be devastating.
During the winter months, limit your showers to 10 minutes. Your body will maintain moisture better, helping you avoid perpetually dry skin.
10. Remove Wet Clothes Immediately
Once you get indoors, remove your wet clothes immediately to help cut down on irritated skin.
Dry skin is already prone to irritation, and adding in the element of wet clothing just increases the chances. Take off wet shoes, socks, gloves, pants, and hats as soon as possible.
The ASEA Reviews Say It All: Enjoy Better Skin All Winter Long
When you choose ASEA, scam products of the past pale in comparison. Only our formula is geared toward an improved redox potential, allowing your skin to heal and renew itself constantly, even when the weather is blisteringly cold.
We recommend trying RENU28 and the rest of our dermatologist-approved line of redox products for incredible results. Winter is coming — are you prepared?