ASEA Reviews Hormone Balance, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, and Your Body

ASEA Reviews
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


What do we know about hormone balancing today that we didn’t know five or ten years ago? Plenty. For example, we’re learning more every day about how environmental toxicity takes a toll on humans, wildlife, and animals.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the study of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which derail reproductive and other developmental processes. These imposters can hijack your hormones (especially natural estrogen) and negatively affect the balance between estrogen and its sister hormone, progesterone.

Learn more about EDCs with the latest ASEA reviews.

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Your Body

Environmental estrogens, also known as obesogens or xenoestrogens (“foreign” estrogens), are more potent than those naturally produced by the body. This potency means the liver must work harder to process them. Even in small doses, xenoestrogens can interfere with the body’s natural receptor sites, resulting in a slew of hormonally-driven symptoms, such as lowered sperm count among males and endometriosis and weight gain among women.

Other general health issues include depression, brain fog, and headaches. Combine this with a congested, exhausted liver unable to produce quality detoxifying bile, and you can understand the disastrous impact xenoestrogens have on the body.

Unfortunately, these EDCs are ubiquitous, and their use in consumer products has skyrocketed during the last several decades. EDCs find their way into our bodies and discover various ways of inducing, blocking, or otherwise scrambling hormonal signals.

In other words, EDCs play tricks on the body. These compounds look just like estrogen and cause trouble. Some EDCs increase the production of certain hormones in the body while impairing the production of others.

Some EDCs mimic our natural hormones, whereas others turn one hormone into another. Some EDCs tell cells to die prematurely; others compete with essential nutrients. For example, chlorinated pesticides can slow down thermogenesis, your internal thermostat for burning body fat.

EDCs are like a wrecking ball for the metabolism of people over 50. Their effects can trigger various negative impacts, such as premature aging. Many experts believe EDCs also play a significant factor in the beginning of life, including progressively decreasing the age when puberty begins for children worldwide.

How EDCs Affect Your Cells

When obesogens target cells’ estrogen receptors, it may disrupt the following:

  • Insulin sensitivity
  • Glucose balance
  • Leptin signaling
  • Fat storage
  • Appetite
  • Cognitive function
  • Fertility
  • Mitochondrial energy output

EDCs are present in:

  • Tap water
  • Food
  • Prescription drugs
  • Birth control pills
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Fire retardants
  • Perfumes
  • Household products
  • Plastics
  • Clothing

In other words, scientists find EDCs in many different products and packaging. ASEA Reviews shows us other ways the biological effects of these chemicals may present themselves:

  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Estrogen dominance
  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Low thyroid
  • Allergies
  • Skin problems
  • Low testosterone
  • Various other health issues

Breakthrough Technology

ASEA Redox, a cell-signaling supplement, has been scientifically tested and shown to signal the activation of genetic pathways or affect genes that can help modulate hormone balance to support vitality and wellness.

This product is also the first and only supplement on the market with active redox signaling molecules. These powerful cellular messengers help protect, rejuvenate, and restore cells. Thanks to a groundbreaking patented process, natural salt and purified water molecules reorganize into redox signaling molecules.

In addition to accounting for hormone deficiencies affected by EDCs, the topic of hormones can further expand to include how the liver and its health are crucial to maintaining a healthy hormone balance in the body.

ASEA Reviews recommends RENUAdvanced Skin Care System and RENU28 Revitalizing Redox Gel for a reduction-oxidation reaction that’s part of a healthy, regenerative, self-care routine.



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