ASEA Reviews: Straight from the Experts

ASEA Reviews
6 min readJul 27, 2022


There are many different analogies to describe the importance of cellular health: healthy seeds equal a healthy plant; cells are like the foundation of a house; cells are the roots that keep a tree stable; and so on. The truth is our overall health depends on the health of our cells.

Unhealthy cells equal an unhealthy body and vice versa. That’s the beauty of ASEA, especially of ASEA REDOX Supplement. And that’s why I’m so excited to be on board the ASEA team and contribute to ASEA Reviews!

For the most part, our cells start out healthy, but then life takes a toll on them, and they begin to age as we all do — sometimes at a more accelerated rate.

Why Skin Cells Matter

The vital link between cellular function and the appearance of your skin illustrates that beauty is much deeper than the surface we see. Redox signaling is the ability of your skin cells to interact with one another to communicate, cooperate, and renew themselves daily. It’s one of the most critical pillars of our brand.

Skin redox signaling is the precursor to everything your skin can do for itself. Between each receptor protein involved in this cascading chain of metabolic pathways, essential messages and responses to different stimuli allow them to act accordingly. These responses keep the entire skin organ in good working order and maintain a healthy glow that shines through from the inside out.

The technical term for this phenomenon is “transduction” — the exchange, transfer, and storage of the chemicals your skin cells use to tell each other what they need. These redox-active molecules may include free radicals and other chemicals in the intracellular surroundings.

Redox signaling is the process by which surrounding cells know when to repair others damaged through sun exposure or injury. It also helps the cells clean up shop, directing them to destroy or protect according to the redox signals they receive.

Redox Signaling and Cell Turnover

Cellular turnover is the exfoliation of your skin at the cellular level. The efficiency with which your skin cells can regenerate over time ties intimately to the redox signaling potential your body can sustain.

Many factors may end up lowering your body’s redox signal potential as a whole — redox potential increases as we detoxify our bodies, removing detritus that may otherwise confuse and disrupt this complex system of cell signaling. When your cells cannot communicate effectively, your body (and skin) falls into disrepair.

You probably know what oxidation and poor cellular turnover look and feel like — but did you know that the culprit may be low redox potential?

Our ASEA REDOX water consists of the perfect ionized water and sodium chloride combination. This simple yet potent formula improves your body’s redox potential. Find balance and feel the power as your cells work together more harmoniously than ever.

Other Ways to Improve Skin Redox Potential

ASEA water, admittedly, is the most convenient and effective way to improve your redox potential on the go. However, skin health at the cellular level is a matter of lifestyle when all is said and done. You can do so much to support your skin cells aside from our favorite cure-all.

  • Unwind thoroughly before retiring for the evening — avoid the blue light from harsh LEDs, fluorescents, and device screens.
  • Maintain a comprehensive diet rich in vital vitamins and minerals — B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids are especially important.
  • Always drink filtered water and avoid sources high in toxins, like fluoride.
  • Minimize salt intake whenever possible.
  • Do what you can to stay calm throughout your days; practices like yoga and meditation will often boost your redox potential enormously.
  • Ensure that you’re taking in enough potassium daily.

Redox mediator activity lies at the heart of the perfect complexion. Aside from these quick tips, our resident redox experts have outlined many other ways to keep your skin beautiful and timeless.

Expert-Approved Ways to Make Cellular Health a Priority

What’s the best way to keep your skin looking young, fresh, and vibrant?

Using ASEA REDOX water is one excellent way to invigorate your complexion. But it’s not all about supplements and hydration, even though both aspects of skincare are super important.

The following are other things to consider when seeking to improve your skin health at the cellular level. Some of these are probably already on your plate — other factors might surprise you.

1. Stress

Our bodies react to stress quickly. Stress fluctuates our hormone levels and raises the levels of inflammation in our bodies.

2. Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical. Sleep is the opportunity for your cells to recharge. Without adequate sleep, your body and its cells miss out on the opportunity to regenerate and repair, which leads to stress, and we’re back at number 1!

3. Inflammation

So many things can cause inflammation. A poor diet is a significant factor as so many processed foods and sugars can cause inflammation in the body, eventually degrading cell health.

4. Poor Diet

As mentioned, a poor diet can lead to inflammation which can cause everything from heart disease to certain cancers. A diet low in healthy produce like fruits and vegetables will also be low in antioxidants, which are necessary to protect our cells from everything on this list.

5. Free Radicals

Free radicals is a term thrown around often, but many people don’t know what it means. Free radicals are created in the body when a weak bond between two atoms breaks apart and attack other cells in the body. This situation occurs because of any of the factors mentioned above or even from pollution, cigarettes, herbicides, or radiation.

6. Too Much Sugar

Sugar wreaks havoc on the immune system, organs, skin, and, of course, cells. Too much sugar in the body is a significant cause of inflammation. Extra sugar in the bloodstream damages your cells. Watch out for added sugars — always read the ingredient labels to see if any sugar has been added.

7. Not Eating a Diverse Diet

A good rule of thumb is that if the food is colorful and not from a box, it’s high in antioxidants. Opt for colorful and deeply pigmented fruits and vegetables at every meal, and your body will be ingesting tons of antioxidants that will help protect your cells from damage.

8. Inadequate Hydration

Our bodies are more than half water, so when we get dehydrated, our cells end up taking a beating. Most people live in a perpetual state of dehydration, which leads to fatigue, headaches, and overeating, not to mention wrecking your skin. Use a large refillable water bottle and aim for at least 1.5 liters daily!

9. Plastics and BPA

The chemicals in canned goods and certain plastics, especially Bisphenol A, are dangerous to your cells and can cause cellular damage. Opt for reusable water bottles and don’t microwave food in plastic containers.

10. Lack of Self-Care

As mentioned earlier, stress and lack of sleep can damage your body and cells. Taking time for yourself, exercising, sleeping, and seated meals away from a desk are just some simple ways to help heal your body. Take it a few steps further and limit your screen time, do mindful breathing or meditation or perhaps some yoga, and your body will begin to help heal its cells naturally.

11. Choosing the Wrong Supplementation

ASEA REDOX Supplement is a great way to keep your cells healthy. Its breakthrough technology can enhance cellular functioning and significantly boost your overall health. That’s support for your body and cells!

Check Out More ASEA Reviews Online

While it’s easy to damage cells, it only takes a few steps to get on the right track to help repair our cells and our cell health. Regardless of what analogy one uses, I find it critical to remember the importance of taking care of your body, starting at the cellular level. ASEA REDOX Supplement makes that easy to do. It’s the only way to create a proper foundation for a healthy self.

On which steps do you think you can improve? Which would be the hardest for you to change?



ASEA Reviews
ASEA Reviews

Written by ASEA Reviews

This ASEA Reviews blog reviews ASEA products and ASEA Sciences. Read this blog to stay up-to-date on all things related to ASEA.

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