ASEA Reviews What Causes Inflammation — and Why It’s So Dangerous

ASEA Reviews
3 min readMar 1, 2024


Inflammation is a protective mechanism your body uses to activate your immune system, and like all healthy bodily systems, keeping it in proper balance is the key to benefiting from it. When out of balance, the inflammatory process acts in a way that negatively impacts overall health.

You can keep inflammation at bay with the right knowledge, diet, and lifestyle choices. Learn what causes inflammation and what you can do to be aware of it with ASEA Reviews.

Causes of Inflammation

Viruses, bacteria, toxins, and injuries activate your immune system. Inflammatory white blood cells and cytokines — substances that stimulate more white blood cells — act as first responders.

They trap harmful bacteria and heal injured tissue, increasing the blood flow to the area of injury or infection. When these infection-fighting chemicals leak into other tissues, it can trigger nerves, causing swelling and pain.

For instance, when you cut your finger, the body sends white blood cells to the injury to start the healing process. But sometimes the body continues to send these inflammatory cells even when there is no injury or immediate danger — which causes chronic inflammation.

How Inflammation Occurs

There are two types of inflammation: (1) acute (short-term) inflammation as part of a healthy immune response and (2) chronic (long-term) inflammation as a cause or symptom of underlying health problems.

Acute inflammation only lasts a few hours or days. Exposure to toxins like pollution or industrial chemicals can cause inflammation. Injuries involving scrapes, insect stings, or a splinter in your finger also lead to inflammation.

Autoimmune disorders are the biggest cause of chronic inflammation. This occurs when your body’s immune system mistakes its own healthy tissues as foreign and attacks them. These disorders lead to fatigue, fever, muscle aches, joint pain, swelling, and more.

There are varying degrees of autoimmune diseases and symptoms, depending on your genetics, environment, and personal health. If you’re dealing with chronic inflammation, it’s time to meet with your doctor for advice on how to take care of yourself.

Pathogens like bacteria, viruses, or fungi around your home, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol in excess, chronic stress, or lack of physical activity, also affect your body’s ability to deal with inflammation.

The good news is there are many ways to get a handle on the situation.

Preventing the Harmful Effects of Inflammation

Rest, exercise, managing stress, limiting alcohol and smoking, and consuming enough vital nutrients are the most effective ways to prevent inflammation. Leafy greens, tomatoes, olive oil, nuts, fish, berries, and oranges all have anti-inflammatory properties.

Avoiding foods that trigger inflammation is also a huge help. This includes refined carbohydrates, fried foods, sugary drinks, as well as red and processed meats.

Antioxidants can help maintain redox balance when oxidant levels are elevated, which helps your body avoid oxidative stress. Antioxidants are a natural part of your metabolism, but you can also get them from food and supplements. This protects tissues from damage by preventing unwanted inflammatory responses from getting started.

A Supplement Designed Just for Your Cells

Promoting healthy cell function and maintenance is more than just what you eat and how you live. Make sure you have a supplement that covers all your bases. ASEA® Redox Cell Signaling Supplement contains active redox signaling molecules.

These powerful cellular messengers are natural to the human body. They help protect, rejuvenate, and revitalize struggling cells. Studies have shown ASEA Redox activates five key genetic pathways in the human body, including a healthy inflammatory response.

ASEA® Redox has also been shown to increase the production of antioxidants. This aids in a healthy inflammatory response, delivering the nourishment and antioxidants your cells need to thrive.

Learn more about using ASEA RenuAdvanced® Skin Care System to boost your cells and improve your life with ASEA Reviews.



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