How to Balance Hormones for Regular Periods
If you’ve ever missed your period, you know how worrisome the disruption can be. Am I pregnant? Did I do something wrong?
Your body is your temple, and when things aren’t running smoothly, it’s easy to panic. Luckily, many of the causes of irregular cycles are fairly straightforward to remedy. Read on to learn more about how to balance hormones for regular periods.
What Causes Irregular Periods?
There may be any of a number of culprits behind a missed period. Some of the most common ones include:
- Stress
- Being malnourished or underweight
- Over-exercising
- Some types of medication
- Conditions like endometriosis and PCOS
- Uterine polyps and fibroids
- Thyroid issues
- A bodily response to injury or surgery
- The beginning of menopause
- Hormonal imbalance in a generic sense
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Other changes, such as a new birth control prescription, may also disrupt your monthly cycle, but after your body has acclimated, the problem should resolve itself. Any type of temporary change like this may cause you to miss a period or even experience periods much longer — and/or much more painful — than what you’re used to.
Aside from a lack of menstruation, a few other hormonal symptoms to watch for are:
- Periods that vary significantly from one another
- Periods that occur unusually often
- Periods that come more than two cycles apart
- Severe cramps and abdominal pain
- Depression and anxiety
- Fatigue and a lack of motivation
- Changes in the condition of your skin — more oil, or a much drier complexion
- Spotting between periods
Sometimes, you may miss one period and never have the problem again. If these issues persist beyond a few weeks or cycles, however, you might need to take action.
How to Balance Hormones to Get Regular Periods
If the underlying cause is clear, addressing this root problem is a simple way to manage your periods for a more regular cycle.
Sometimes, our bodies might simply be in a period of change, no pun intended. Being underweight is one example — you may be able to kick your system back into gear by committing to a couple of weeks on a hormonally-minded meal plan. Young women just starting to menstruate may experience irregular cycles at the beginning of this journey.
Of course, even if you fall into this last category, you should always seek professional medical advice if your intuition is telling you that something’s really off. Here are a few ways forward that you might be presented with:
- Hormone therapy such as birth control, anti-androgens, IUDs, and thyroid-related care
- Extended, specialized treatment for problems like PCOS and endometriosis
- Surgery, particularly for uterine polyps
- Herbal remedies and supplements, often ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon
- Homeopathic solutions including acupuncture and cupping
- Vitamin supplements formulated for female reproductive health
- Wholesome and comprehensive diet planning — ideally one that includes plenty of protein, complex carbs, fresh produce, and healthy fats
And if you’re already quite healthy? An ounce of prevention never hurts. Here are several methods you can utilize to prevent missed periods before they happen:
- Eat well and exercise moderately
- If you need to lose weight, do so slowly and mindfully
- Do what you can to improve your quality of sleep
- Minimize your intake of caffeine and alcohol
- See your gynecologist regularly–remember to schedule important exams (especially pap smears) periodically
- Try meditation, yoga, or tai chi to reduce stress and anxiety naturally
As mentioned above, many women can balance hormones to get regular periods with a new birth control prescription. It’s another great option to consider if you’re not opposed to treating the problem chemically.
Those interested in an all-natural solution, though, might consider something like ASEA redox water in support of hormonal balance.
How to Balance Hormones for Regular Periods with ASEA
ASEA redox water harnesses the power of redox signaling potential to improve the way your body regulates itself. This includes your hormones, especially those responsible for ensuring you ovulate on time, every time.
Hormonal balance begins at the cellular level. ASEA brings harmony to every part of your body, including your reproductive system. Why put one of the most important aspects of being a woman at risk?