How to Stay Healthy While Working from Home
Your health should always be a priority, regardless of what you do and where you work. But for many, knowing how to achieve good health isn’t easy. If you’re looking for supplements and other products that can positively impact your overall well-being, explore our ASEA reviews to discover the best options for you.
The Health Risks of Working from Home
When working from home, we should be especially mindful of our health. Many people assume that working from home and not going out to the office is better for your health. After all, wouldn’t it be less stressful and more productive to work where we feel most comfortable?
It may be a surprise to learn that working from home can harm your overall health. Most remote workers are more sedentary because of a smaller workspace that requires fewer steps to get through. A comfortable environment may encourage you to become complacent with your health — you might stay in bed longer, move less, and eat unhealthy snacks.
Top 3 Tips for Staying Healthy When Working from Home
You can turn your habits around, even if you work in a remote setting. Here are several ways to maintain your physical and mental health while staying home.
1. Be Physically Active
Regular exercise or being physically active in any way has numerous health benefits, including:
- Stress relief
- Enhanced brain function
- Weight loss or maintenance
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer
- Improved skeletal and muscular health
The rule of thumb is to set aside at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for exercise. This schedule is enough to get your blood pumping and burn excess calories.
However, you don’t need extreme exercises like lifting weights, running, or cycling for dozens of miles. Even walking your dog to the park or doing chores around the house works. The primary goal here is to be on the move.
2. Prep Healthy Meals and Drink Plenty of Water
Being at home makes it easy to snack on whatever’s in the fridge or have some fast food delivered to your doorstep. Unfortunately, you might not get enough nutrients from such a routine.
Instead, why not prepare healthy meals and snacks before the workweek begins? Doing so saves you the trouble of cooking while trying to work or ordering unhealthy takeout every day. When you get hungry during your workday, all you have to do is pull out one of your prepped meals and pop it into the microwave.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated all day as well — water aids in flushing toxins, supporting digestion, and regulating blood pressure and electrolyte levels.
3. Use ASEA to Supplement Your Health
As we’ve covered in previous ASEA reviews, ASEA supplements provide a comprehensive range of nutrients. These range from vitamins to minerals and even probiotics. Our supplements can cover other nutritional needs your diet doesn’t meet.
Using our ASEA® RedoxCell supplements daily also aids in rejuvenating your cells with the help of our redox signaling technology. Our clients rave about this technology in ASEA reviews, and you can also enjoy the benefits.
And don’t forget — skincare is still vital even when working at home. If your skin needs extra care, add RENUAdvanced and RENU28 to your daily routine. The redox signaling process can help reinvigorate your skin cells and slow down aging.
Achieve a Healthier Home Life with ASEA
Adopting these beneficial habits will go a long way toward giving you a healthy work-life balance when working from home, especially when ASEA supplements provide a boost to your systems.
Check out more ASEA reviews here on our blog and learn more about the science behind how ASEA products work within your body.