Revitalize Your Skin with RENU 28
These days it is cool to recycle–clothing, furniture, plastic waste. But did you know your body has always been recycling? The human body renews itself at the cellular level about every seven years. But not your skin–it is renewing itself at a much faster rate.
Cellular Recycling
The human body creates new skin cells all the time. In fact, young adult skin recycles itself every 28 days. The old cells die and are discarded, allowing new, healthy skin cells to replace them. Any toxins and impurities built up on the skin’s surface are shed with the dead skin cells. This is why a young adult’s skin is firm and wrinkle-free.
As we age, this cellular recycling process starts to slow. Instead of skin renewing itself every 28 days, it turns into 32. A decade or so later, it might take 38 days or even 40. Around age 50, the skin’s renewal process can take up to eight weeks, and eventually may take up to three months, for skin cell turnover!
One key to maintaining youthful, healthy-looking skin is to assist the renewal process. ASEA RENU28 was created for this purpose. RENU28 is a skin priming, cellular rejuvenating gel that is safe to use on every skin surface. It is fragrance-free and fast-drying, and ASEA reviews all its products to ensure quality and efficacy.
ASEA RENU28 can be applied twice a day. It is preservative-free, noncomedogenic, and hypoallergenic. The ingredient that makes this gel different from all other skincare products is redox signaling molecules. RENU28 has been shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Redox Signaling
When a cell gets old, it signals to the genes that it needs to be replaced with a new, healthy cell. It communicates with the genes by releasing a redox signaling molecule. As we age, cells start slowing down, which means redox signaling slows down, too, becoming less effective. That is why ASEA reviews and creates products targeting cellular health, turnover, and redox molecules.
How does ASEA do this? They have patented a process that creates shelf-stable redox signaling molecules, and then ASEA adds them to their products, like RENU28 Revitalizing Redox Gel. Do you want to see changes in your skin in as little as 28 days? Try incorporating this product into your daily skincare routine.
Possibly the best part about RENU28 is how fast and easy it is to use. After showering, simply apply a thin layer to all of your skin, wait a minute or two for it to dry, and then continue on with your regular skincare routine. A $40 tube lasts for months, even when applying it every day.
No other products contain redox signaling molecules. ASEA reviews cellular processes throughout the entire body and creates products for the skin and many aspects of cellular health.